Meeting 11/5-
Status: Completed not yet tested-due to computer problems
<--- knobby wheels
We have been continuously changing our gear ratio and motors from regular to high speed. Meconam to knobby wheels. We need to settle in on a final design by next week and finalize it before the competition.
<-----aluminum, mecanom wheels
gearing/motoring 18:36 gear ratio
gearing/motoring 18:36 gear ratio
Status: Base almost
still needs motor/gearing
Our Takeaway: We have finally finished the pitching machine, but it is still quiet troublesome to get the programming to work.
Chasis is still a work in progress. We've been having many miscommunications because we weren't really talking to eachother, everyone was working solo. Some of us weren't doing as much as others so we need to evenly distribute workload/ responsibilities.
Goal for next meeting: Test pitching machine, finish Chasis' base and maybe programming. Be better at communicating with eachother and include everyone.
Upcoming Events: 4 more meetings before Bellarmine Competition (extra meetings needed)
Our Takeaway: We have finally finished the pitching machine, but it is still quiet troublesome to get the programming to work.
Chasis is still a work in progress. We've been having many miscommunications because we weren't really talking to eachother, everyone was working solo. Some of us weren't doing as much as others so we need to evenly distribute workload/ responsibilities.
Goal for next meeting: Test pitching machine, finish Chasis' base and maybe programming. Be better at communicating with eachother and include everyone.
Upcoming Events: 4 more meetings before Bellarmine Competition (extra meetings needed)